See CD audio connectors for a more detailed description of each type.
- [[{{{1}}}::None]] - This connector is unavailable on this device
- [[{{{1}}}::Dupont-2]] - 2-pin 2.54mm/Dupont, looks like a normal 2-pin jumper
- [[{{{1}}}::Dupont-4]] - 4-pin 2.54mm/Dupont without latch housing, LGGR pinout
- [[{{{1}}}::MPC]] - 4-pin 2.54mm/Dupont with latched housing, LGGR pinout
- [[{{{1}}}::SBCD]] - SoundBlaster CD audio connector, small white 4-pin, OLGR pinout
- [[{{{1}}}::SBCD/LOGR]] - same SoundBlaster CD audio connector, but pinout changed to be LOGR (seems a mistake introduced on the AWE64 series)
- [[{{{1}}}::Hitachi CD audio]]
- [[{{{1}}}::Mitsumi CD audio]]
- [[{{{1}}}::NEC CD audio]] - 3-pin, R-G-L, different connector to wake-on-LAN
- [[{{{1}}}::Sony CD audio]] - looks a bit like a floppy power connector, but with different key positions
- [[{{{1}}}::Texel CD audio]]
- [[{{{1}}}::Toshiba CD audio]] - same connector as wake-on-LAN
More connector types can be added to the template page as needed.