Viglen Ethergen PnP 2000A

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Viglen Ethergen PnP 2000A
Viglen Ethergen PnP 2000A.jpg
Bus type ISA
Bus width 16-bit
Bus speed 8 MHz
8-bit ISA compatible? Yes
Manufacturer Viglen
Chipset UK0023A
Compatible with NE1000, NE2000
Connectors TP, BNC
Requires -5VDC? No
Requires -12VDC? No
Config method Software or PnP
Boot ROM Socket, 28-pin JEDEC, read-only
Driver Vogonsdrivers

The Viglen Ethergen PnP 2000A is a 10Mbps ISA network card. It can be configured in either Plug-n-Play mode (which requires a PnP BIOS or configuration manager) or jumperless mode, where the base address, IRQ and other settings are changed via the manufacturer's configuration utility and no PnP manager is required.

Additional photos

Boot ROM

Boot ROM address options

This card's boot ROM socket will take a standard 28-pin ROM chip. It has also been successfully tested with a 32-pin ROM chip using an adapter[1]. XTIDE will run without any problem.

The card's DOS drivers come with a configuration program (DIAG/SETUP.EXE) that can be used to enable the ROM socket (it is disabled by default) and set the base address, as well as adjust all the usual options like I/O address and IRQ.

If shadow RAM is active, the configuration utility will report all shadowed blocks of memory as in-use, and will force you to choose a different address. This means every time the utility loads while shadow RAM is enabled, it will force the boot ROM's address to be moved. Once the address has been set however, shadow RAM can be re-enabled without any problem.


  • I/O address: 220, 240, 260 ... 3C0, 3E0.
  • IRQ: 2/9, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 15.
  • Boot ROM: C000, C400, C800 ... D800, DC00, Disabled.

IRQs 10+ are only available in 16-bit slots, however even when the card is in a 16-bit slot it often seems to be stuck in 8-bit mode according to the diagnostics, meaning IRQs 10+ are never allowed to be chosen (tested in a Headland HT12 286 motherboard.)

Card family

The following explanation was taken from the Viglen website[2].

It may be required to determine the Network card for a given Driver,
this may help.............

Quick "General" History 
Version 1 " our first card ".
This card had quite a large circuit board with the following Part number printed on the board
P/N : 142640-420 REV: 01E 
Driver VE20001.ZIP
Version 1b
Has small circuit board.
P/N : 142640-406 REV: 01
Driver VE20001.ZIP

Version 1c
Has small circuit board.
P/N : 145640-006
Driver VE20001.ZIP

If the setup program from any other disk is run prior to the version 1 setup disk,
configuration problems can occur.
To resolve this, make sure the PC is warm or cold booted before running setup. 

Version 2
The card had a much smaller circuit board with the following part number 
P/N : 142640-403 REV: 01A
Driver VE20002.ZIP

Version 3
Another card with a small circuit board as well as the new " YES NetWare Tested and Approved " sticker
which is now being shipped as standard.
There are two orange capacitors at position c32 and c31
P/N : 142651-400 REV : 01
Driver VE20003.ZIP

Version 4
This is actually Version 2 with the " YES NetWare Tested and Approved " sticker slapped on.
P/N : 14260-403 REV: 01A
Driver as above version 2

Version 5
This is the newer Viglen Ethergen Plug & play 2000A
P/N : 142066 400 REV 02A
Driver VE20005.ZIP

A last Note..
Sometimes the wrong driver disk has gone out with these cards.
Here is a guide

Version 1 disk label number 146929-008 Green Band  configured by running a:\diag\setup
Version 1b - as above
Version 2 disk label number 146209-008 Purple Band configured by running a:\diag\setup
Version 3 disk label number 146211-008 Yellow Band configured by running a:\setup
Version 4 disk label number 146209-008 Purple Band configured by running a:\diag\setup

Thanks for listening.


  1. Jump up Port 388h - Retrofitting a new EEPROM into an old PC
  2. Jump up which1.txt