Template:Device Infobox/Modem

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Device Infobox/Modem
There is no image of this device — upload one!
Bus type Unknown
Bus width Unknown
Bus speed Unknown
8-bit ISA compatible? Unknown
PCI 5V tolerant? Unknown
PCI 3.3V tolerant?
Manufacturer Unknown
Chipset Unknown
Connectors Unknown
Requires -5VDC? Unknown
Requires -12VDC? Unknown
Config method Unknown
Lines Unknown
Phone out Unknown
TAD in/out None
Speed Unknown
Voice Unknown
Fax Unknown
Driver Missing download URL

This template is used to populate the Device Infobox with information about a dial-up modem. See USRobotics Sportster Winmodem 33.6 for example use. As this template sits inside an infobox, it can be combined with other templates in the case of multi-function devices.

Valid parameters and examples specific to this infobox are:

Parameter Meaning
Lines = 1 Number of phone lines that can be connected to the device, typically 1.
Phone out = Yes Boolean value, Yes if a telephone handset can be plugged into the device, No otherwise.
TAD = [[Has TAD connector::Dupont-4]]

Type of internal (PCB) connector (if any) used to receive audio from a modem, and to send microphone input to the modem. Allowed values:

See CD audio connectors for a more detailed description of each type.

  • [[Has TAD connector::None]] - This connector is unavailable on this device
  • [[Has TAD connector::Dupont-2]] - 2-pin 2.54mm/Dupont, looks like a normal 2-pin jumper
  • [[Has TAD connector::Dupont-4]] - 4-pin 2.54mm/Dupont without latch housing, LGGR pinout
  • [[Has TAD connector::MPC]] - 4-pin 2.54mm/Dupont with latched housing, LGGR pinout
  • [[Has TAD connector::SBCD]] - SoundBlaster CD audio connector, small white 4-pin, OLGR pinout
  • [[Has TAD connector::SBCD/LOGR]] - same SoundBlaster CD audio connector, but pinout changed to be LOGR (seems a mistake introduced on the AWE64 series)
  • [[Has TAD connector::Hitachi CD audio]]
  • [[Has TAD connector::Mitsumi CD audio]]
  • [[Has TAD connector::NEC CD audio]] - 3-pin, R-G-L, different connector to wake-on-LAN
  • [[Has TAD connector::Sony CD audio]] - looks a bit like a floppy power connector, but with different key positions
  • [[Has TAD connector::Texel CD audio]]
  • [[Has TAD connector::Toshiba CD audio]] - same connector as wake-on-LAN

More connector types can be added to the template page as needed.

Speed = 33600 Number indicating how much data can be transferred per second. Use the marketing values here, without a unit abbreviation. For example, for a 1200 baud modem, use 1200, for a 33.6k modem use 33600, and for a 56k modem, use 56000.
Voice = Yes Boolean value, Yes if the device can place voice calls and a conversation can be held, No if it cannot.
Fax = Yes Boolean value, Yes if the device can send and/or receive faxes, No if it cannot.

Default values are shown if the parameter is omitted, so do not use any parameters unless the value is known (most of the defaults say "unknown").